Guitar Tricks is proud to offer our users a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee if they are not satisfied with our service. Users must cancel within 60 days of signing up for Full Access in order to receive a refund.
To contact our billing department for a refund, follow this link.
For all users who signed up for Full Access through Google Play on an Android device
You can cancel your subscription through Google. Instructions on how to do that are here.
We can issue a refund for purchases within 60 days, and all we need is your order ID # from your in-app confirmation of purchase. Please send that information as soon as you can so that we may process your refund. The number starts with "GPA."
For all users who signed up for Full Access in the Apple App Store
If you paid for Full Access through the iOS app, you will have to look to Apple to get a refund. They control 100% of the billing with the apps.