We created the Guitar Tricks® Jam Station - to give guitarists an easy way to practice playing solos and jamming with a band.
Jam tracks, aka. backing tracks, are recordings of a band playing music with the lead guitar part taken out, so that you can practice playing along and coming up with your own melodies. You'll soon discover that it's way more fun practicing lead guitar with a band than playing all by yourself.
In fact, the Jam Station even has many benefits over playing with a real band:
- The Jam Station is there for you, ready to go, 24/7! Just try to get a bunch of musicians to all show up at the same time and place. It's not easy!
- The Jam Station plays nearly every style of music! Whether you're into rock, blues, country, bluegrass, or almost any other style of music, there's something there that you'll love that's ready to go.
- The Jam Station has easy to read guitar tabs for every jam. It's fun to follow along, learn how to watch for key changes, and work on your timing.
To try out the Jam Station, click on the "Toolbox" button in your left-hand sidebar. It looks like this:

Then you will see the Jam Station next to the other tools. Just click "Open," which will look like this on the page:

Now that you have the Jam Station loaded, you will see that you can filter all of the jam tracks by style, instructor, the key that the jam track is in, or just show your list of favorite tracks. In the example below, I have chosen blues jam tracks, produced by Guitar Tricks instructor Anders Mouridsen, that are in the key of A:

Note: Some of the jam tracks in the Jam Station are big files, so depending on your internet connection speed you might need to wait for them to load before they start playing. If this is the case you will see red text that says "Loading..." that looks just like this:

The Jam Station is a lot of fun - check it out! As always, contact us if you need help.
To access the Jam Station, go to your Toolbox.